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A. Over time, gradually develop into a mixed use, moderate density residential and commercial area where people enjoy walking, shopping, working and living.

B. Provide for a mixed use arterial corridor zone encouraging moderate density residential development and new commercial development opportunities along portions of Sleater Kinney and Pacific Avenue. Mixed moderate density corridors should take advantage of marketing opportunities provided by the surrounding planning area and adjacent neighborhoods.

C. The Sleater Kinney corridor should emphasize medical activities and support services given its proximity to Lilly Road and hospital but also provide for other professional services, office uses and small retail opportunities.

D. The Pacific Avenue corridor should emphasize smaller professional services and retail opportunities to complement the neighborhood commercial zone to the east and provide an expanded range of services to adjacent residential neighborhoods.

E. Allow for select commercial uses and residential development in a way that serves the needs of the neighborhood and the community and enhances the appearance and identity of the mixed moderate density corridor.

F. Provide for a type, configuration, and density of development that will entice pedestrian shoppers to frequent the area, encourage pedestrian traffic between businesses, facilitate efficient mass transit, and require less reliance on motor vehicles.

G. Encourage a variety of businesses which offer retail goods or consumer services that appeal to pedestrians and/or serve the needs of the surrounding neighborhood.

H. Integrate new development with existing uses to achieve a better environment for pedestrians and to maintain or enhance the livability of the mixed residential uses and adjacent residential neighborhood.

I. Provide development standards which require direct, convenient pedestrian and vehicular access to businesses.

J. Balance the needs of motorists and businesses serving a community-wide market with the needs of local pedestrians and neighborhood residents. (Ord. 1220 §10, 2004; Ord. 1024 §37, 1995).