16.22.020 Permitted uses.
A. Commercial uses. The following commercial uses as classified in the Standard Industrial Classification Index 1987 edition and/or the North American Industry Classification Code 2002 edition are permitted as an allowed use or by conditional use permit as noted.
1. Limited retail trade uses under Division G provided the square footage of the use is no more than 10,000 square feet and no outside storage is required.
2. Finance, insurance and real estate uses under Division H provided the square footage of the use is under 10,000 square feet. The site plan review committee may waive the square footage requirement for uses it considers consistent with the stated intent of the zone and compatible and complementary to surrounding uses.
3. Service uses under Division I and J provided the square footage of the use is under 10,000 square feet. The site plan review committee may waive the square footage requirement for any service use it considers consistent with the emphasis of the particular corridor.
B. Residential uses. All residential uses are permitted with a density between eight and twelve units per acre. Additional density may be obtained by purchase of transfer of development rights; low income housing density bonuses or other incentive density bonuses as may be available or determined in the best interest of the community by the site plan review committee.
C. Urban agricultural uses as provided for and limited under Chapter 16.21 LMC. (Ord. 1368 §25, 2011; Ord. 1220 §11, 2004; Ord. 1024 §37, 1995).