16.22.030 Similar or related uses.
Similar or related uses permitted and criteria for determination of similarity or relatedness are as follows:
A. Uses similar to, or related to, those listed in LMC 16.22.020(A) are permitted upon a finding of the site plan review committee that a particular unlisted use does not conflict with the intent of this chapter or the policies of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
B. The criteria for such finding of similarity shall include but not be limited to the following:
1. The proposed use is appropriate in this zone given the emphasis on pedestrian orientation, mass transit and mixed use;
2. The development standards for permitted uses can be met by the proposed use;
3. The proposed use will be compatible and complementary to adjacent uses and uses within the corridor in general;
4. The public need is served by the proposed use. (Ord. 1220 §12, 2004; Ord. 1024 §37, 1995).