16.62.030 Development standards.
A. Density. The density of the underlying zone governs unless a density increase is granted as provided in this chapter.
B. Density Increase in the Low Density Residential and Moderate Density Residential Districts. The city may allow two cottage units for each regular dwelling unit allowed under existing standards in the Low Density Residential and Moderate Density Residential Districts.
C. Maximum Gross Floor Area. The maximum allowed gross floor area is one thousand two hundred square feet per dwelling. The maximum gross floor area for the ground floor or main floor is eight hundred square feet per dwelling.
D. Platting. A cottage development may be completed through a subdivision plat, short plat, or condominium provided the city has adopted an ordinance providing this option.
E. Design. Cottages are subject to the design criteria in LMC 14.23.072. Where there are conflicts between LMC 14.23.072 and the standards in this chapter, the standards herein shall apply.
F. Minimum Common Space. The minimum common space required is three hundred square feet per dwelling. The common open space shall be configured so that at a minimum:
1. The common open space abuts fifty percent of the cottages in a cottage housing development.
2. Cottages are oriented around at least two sides of the common open space.
3. Cottages are oriented around the open space with an entry facing the common open space.
4. Cottages should be within sixty feet walking distance of the common open space.
5. Area required to meet minimum private open space, setback, and parking requirements may not be used in the calculations for common open space.
6. Common open space shall be accessible to all cottage residents in the applicable cluster and maintained by the development’s homeowners association.
G. Minimum Private Open Space. The minimum private open space required is two hundred square feet per dwelling. Required open space shall be adjacent to each dwelling unit and for the exclusive use of the cottage resident(s). The private space shall be:
1. Usable (not on a steep slope).
2. Oriented toward the common open space as much as possible.
3. No less than eight feet in dimension on any side. A desirable configuration for this private open space is an area between the dwelling unit and the common open space, similar to what’s shown in the examples in Table 16T-85.
H. Facades and Porches.
1. Cottages facing the common open space or common pathway must feature a roofed porch at least eighty square feet in size with a minimum dimension of eight feet on any side.
2. Cottages fronting on a street shall provide a covered entry feature with a minimum dimension of six feet by six feet facing the street. This is in addition to the porch requirement, where the cottage is adjacent to a common open space or pathway.
3. All facades facing common open space, pathways, and streets shall comply with architectural details and windows and transparency design criteria specified in LMC 14.23.072(C) and (I), respectively.
I. Maximum Height for Cottages.
1. The maximum height for cottages with a minimum roof slope of six feet vertical to twelve feet horizontal is twenty-five feet. All parts of the roof above eighteen feet shall be pitched.
2. The maximum height for cottages with a roof slope less than six feet vertical to twelve feet horizontal is eighteen feet.
3. The maximum height for all accessory structures is eighteen feet.
J. Setbacks. The setback requirements are the same as the other residential uses in the underlying zone.
K. Minimum Distance Separating Structures. The minimum required distance separating structures (including accessory structures) is ten feet.
L. Parking Requirements.
1. The required number of parking spaces is an optional minimum of one space and a maximum of one and one-half spaces per dwelling.
2. Parking shall be located on the same property as the cottage development.
3. Parking and vehicular areas shall be screened from public streets and adjacent residential uses by landscaping or architectural screens. The illustration in Table 16T-85 provides a good example of screening with columnar trees separating the driveway from the adjacent property.
4. Parking shall be located in clusters of not more than five adjoining uncovered spaces (except where parking areas are adjacent to an alley or vegetated LID facilities).
5. Parking is prohibited in front and interior yard setback areas. The top illustration and photo in Table 16T-85 provide good examples of parking location.
6. All detached parking structures shall have a pitched roof design.
7. Garages may be attached to individual cottages provided all other design standards have been met and the footprint of the ground floor, including the garage, does not exceed one thousand square feet. Such garages shall be located away from common open spaces to the extent possible.
8. At least fifty percent of the required parking spaces shall be enclosed. Such structures shall be designed consistent with the cottage architecture. This includes similar building materials, rooflines, and detailing.
M. Utility Elements. Utility meters and heating/cooling/ventilation equipment shall be located/designed to minimize visual impacts from the street and common areas.
N. Existing Nonconforming Structure and Accessory Dwelling Units.
1. On a lot to be used for a cottage housing development, an existing detached single-family residential structure, which may be nonconforming with respect to the standards of this chapter, shall be permitted to remain, provided the house and any accessory structures are not enlarged and the development meets the standards herein. The existing dwelling shall be included in determining the allowable density for the site.
2. For any cottage development containing an existing house and an accessory dwelling unit, the accessory dwelling unit shall be counted as a cottage for the purposes of determining allowable density for the site.
O. Clustering Groups. Developments shall contain a minimum of four and a maximum of twelve dwellings located in a cluster group to encourage a sense of community among the residents. A development site may contain more than one cluster.
P. Cottage housing developments are subject to design review requirements of Chapter 14.23 LMC.
Q. The city desires to form partnerships with nonprofit housing authorities and the private development community in promoting infill, providing affordable housing and achieving GMA smart growth and livable city objectives. To provide for innovation and creativity in achieving housing and livable city objectives of the Plan, flexibility may be permitted where a specific cottage project furthers the Plan’s objectives, but zoning code requirements would prevent the project, make it less effective in implementing the Plan’s intent, or act as a barrier to implementation of the Plan’s vision. The city may waive said code provisions under the following conditions:
1. The city and the private/public partners believe the subject project meets community objectives of smart growth, livable city and sustainability as identified in the city Comprehensive Land Use Plan;
2. Design of the project gives significant attention to place making and functionality that will enhance the livability of the neighborhood in which it is located, as identified in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and/or the applicable neighborhood plan;
3. Design includes energy conservation features that promote sustainability goals as identified in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and/or other plans developed to promote energy conservation and sustainability;
4. The project addresses target demographics or specific community housing need as identified in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan’s Housing Element and/or the applicable neighborhood plan;
5. Based upon a determination by the director, the proposed project design will better implement objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. (Ord. 1612 §12, 2022; Ord. 1496 §97, 2016; Ord. 1427 §3, 2013; Ord. 1380 §1, 2012; Ord. 1310 §48, 2008).