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Table 16T-71

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(Referred from LMC 14.23.089)

Hawks Prairie Business District

Design Review Checklist for the Retail/Commercial Area

This checklist has been designed to:

Provide the applicant with a greater understanding of the site planning and design review elements applicable to projects within the Hawks Prairie Business District (HPBD); and

Ensure greater consistency by staff in the review of various projects within the HPBD.

The review categories have been established to show that the project meets, can meet with a condition or clarification, needs revision, or is not subject to a specific design review provision. In addition, photographs, colored renderings, and/or color and sample materials boards can serve to exemplify and illustrate the written design criteria within this checklist and will be considered in the interpretation and application of the written application responses.

The City’s Design Review process is an administrative process that can be reviewed concurrently with the Site Plan Review, or other land use review process.

Project Name:


Parcel Number(s):


Contact Person:








I certify that I am the proponent or proponent’s authorized representative for the project submitted. I understand that staff may enter the site to gain a better understanding of the proposal. Further, I certify that the owner(s) of the property affected by the proposal described within are knowledgeable of the project and consent to this application.


Signature Authority (owner/agent)



In 1992 the City of Lacey adopted a comprehensive plan for the northeast area. This plan set forth clear goals and policies relating to the image and design of future development in this area. The plan identified this area as the gateway to the City of Lacey, and called for design guidelines that fulfilled these goals and policies to ensure well-planned and aesthetically pleasing development. This plan was further substantiated by the subsequent comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to the Growth Management Act.


The following statements are provided to clarify the intent of these guidelines:

Create a strong identity for the Hawks Prairie area that supports the Gateway Vision of the Northeast Area Comprehensive Plan.

Create a commercial district that is vibrant, attractive and people friendly.

Create places, private and public, that will draw citizens and visitors to the area.

Develop a destination to shop and recreate while providing gathering locations for a diverse population.

Develop pedestrian connectivity and vehicular circulation that is attractive, convenient and safe.

Create the framework for all of the properties to be a cohesive unit that function as one place. Provide amenities through creative use of features such as stormwater treatment facilities, open spaces, parks, trails, plazas, landscaping, building placement and design, and non-intimidating parking facilities.


Consideration for approval and conditioning of design review shall be based on and interpreted in light of the conformance of the development with the intent and requirements of the zoning and design review ordinances, and the comprehensive land use plan goals and policies. These standards and requirements below are generally to be considered the minimum necessary design criteria to accomplish development objectives of the City. The City may require more stringent standards, or less demanding standards, based upon the specific and unique nature of the site and the surrounding areas. Such decision shall be at the sole discretion of the City, in determining standards necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City and to further the purposes and intent of this ordinance and the comprehensive plans. Any modification of the requirements below shall meet the criteria of Section 14.23.035 of the Lacey Municipal Code.

These provisions shall be met unless the applicant can demonstrate that an alternative design proposal adequately meets the objectives of these guidelines or the comprehensive plans for the HPBD. The City shall determine whether or not the alternative proposal is acceptable and that decision shall be final unless appealed pursuant to the appeal provisions of the Lacey Municipal Code.

Site Layout and Overall Design Concepts

Does Not Apply

Meets Provision

Needs Condition/


Needs Revision

1. Building Location: Proposed buildings are harmoniously related to the terrain and other buildings in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed building. Harmony, in this case, is intended to include issues such as color, texture, style, size, and relationship to existing topography.

2. Street/Access Pattern: Buildings, streets and access drive lanes are designed to create and facilitate a pattern of convenient multi-modal circulation. Access shall be no greater than 600 feet with pedestrian intervals typically located every 300-600 feet. This can also be achieved by sizing building complexes to allow for pedestrian connections between buildings every 300 – 600 feet.

3. Adjacent to vacant parcels: If adjacent to a vacant parcel, the design demonstrates how the lot could be developed in relationship to the proposal, generally indicating how open space, building form, parking, walkways, driveways, etc. could relate or connect to adjacent parcels.

4. Site Access: Roads and drives are designed and constructed to meet the needs of public transportation vehicles and other heavyweight and large vehicles, including provision of bus pullouts where appropriate. Access is also designed to minimize conflicts with pedestrian movements. Access drives shall be limited to one full access per parcel, and spaced at least 300' from any other access point, unless otherwise approved by the City of Lacey. Some locations, such as corner lots and larger parcels, may be allowed more that one access point.

5. On-Street Parking: On-street parking may be included in the number of parking stalls required for a particular development, where there is direct access from the street to the store.

6. Pedestrian Circulation: Provide pedestrian connections between buildings, to adjacent parcels, and within the parking areas, as approved by the City of Lacey. These connections shall be a minimum of 5' in width or meet current accessibility standards and constructed of concrete, stamped concrete, bricks, brick pavers, or the like. The pedestrian connection must be similar in texture and color to the antique brick theme used in the public improvements constructed with the round-abouts on Marvin Road. Pedestrian connections must be provided between the building front/main entrance and the sidewalk. Lighting levels for these connections shall be two foot candles for normal pathways, and four foot candles for heavy use areas and building entries. Heavy use areas will be determined at the discretion of the City during the site plan review process.

7. Open Space: 10% of the site shall be designed into the site plan for use as open space, gathering space, plaza areas, etc. These areas shall contain, at a minimum, pedestrian features and landscaping; however public art, drinking fountains, or other special features are encouraged. Open space must be designed to be adjacent to or connected to open space of adjacent parcels, if the City finds it is feasible and desirable. Open space can be combined with storm water if it is useable by pedestrians as determined by the City.

8. Service Areas and Access: Loading areas and access shall be located to the side or rear of the building(s) and must be designed into the architectural elements of the building, unless otherwise approved by the City. Screening, either through walls and/or landscaping is required. When loading areas are approved in the front of the building(s), actual loading activities will be limited to occur only in off-peak hours.

9. Surface Parking Lot Location: Primary parking areas shall be located to the rear of the building. Ancillary parking lots may be located to the side of the building(s). This provision does not apply when Master Planned or when structures are not fronting a public street.

10. Parking Structures: Parking structures shall be no taller than the adjacent building(s) and must be complementary to the principal building in form and materials. Roof top parking is allowed when designed into the architectural design of the building. Parking structures adjacent to an active commercial frontage street shall incorporate a retail component on the ground floor, so that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the length of the floor facade, excluding vehicle entrances/exits, provides retail space.

10a. Facades of parking structures shall be designed without continuous horizontal parking floor openings. Exposed parking areas adjacent to a public or private street shall minimize views into the parking structure interior through landscaping or architectural treatment.

10b. Parking structure elevations over 150 feet in length shall incorporate vertical and/or horizontal variation in setback, material or fenestration design along the length of the facade in at least one of the following ways:


Vertical –


varying the arrangement, proportioning or design of garage floor openings


incorporating changes in architectural materials


projecting or recessing portions or elements of the facade


Horizontal –


stepping back the upper floors from the ground floor facade


changing materials between the parking structure base and upper floors


including a continuous cornice line or pedestrian weather protection element between the ground floor and upper floors.

11. Surface Parking Areas: Surface parking lots shall be landscaped with deciduous shade trees at a minimum ratio of one tree for every five spaces; one tree for every three spaces is recommended. Use of existing trees when possible is strongly encouraged, which can be noted with commemorative plaques or be sponsored trees.

12. The Perimeter of Parking Areas and Driveways: When adjacent to streets and/or sidewalks shall be buffered with an attractive low wall, fence, landscaping, or line of piers a minimum of 32 inches and a maximum of 42 inches in height.

13. Trash and Service Equipment, including satellite dishes: Shall be located behind buildings and enclosed or screened by landscaping, architectural walls, fences and/or other architectural means as approved by the City.

14. Screen Fences and Walls: When not adjacent to a street or sidewalk, or when required for screening, shall be a minimum of six feet and a maximum of eight feet in height and shall be complimentary to the style and materials of the building(s).

Items 15 – 16 address walls, fences and piers, to be used to define public spaces and private boundaries and/or spaces, and to screen surface parking areas.

15. Design: Walls, fences, and piers shall be designed to reflect the architectural style and materials of the principal building(s) through the use of the same materials, module articulation or other means as approved by the City.


Along streets and walks – walls and fences should be low and open to maintain visibility. Maximum height for walls and fence panels should be forty-two inches. Maximum height for piers should be fifty-four inches, excluding luminaries or other appurtenances approved by the City.


At entrances to surface parking lots -gateways should be employed to enhance the visibility and appearance of the entrance, and as a support for lighting and/or signage.


Fence and wall panels – shall be divided into regular modules that relate to the architectural/massing module of the principal building(s).


A combination of thick and thin structural elements – should be used, with thicker elements for supports and/or panel divisions. Support columns may be built up with additional trim, cornices, and/or moldings for this purpose.


Walls and piers – should have a base and coping.


Piers – A row of freestanding piers can be as effective as an open screen between parking areas and streets or walks. A continuous chain or open metal fence attached between piers can be an attractive device for creating a stronger separation.


spacing – no more than twelve (12) feet on center


thickness – at least eighteen (18) inches per side or diameter


height – at least thirty-six (36) inches and no more than fifty-four (54) inches.

16. Materials: Shall be the same as or compatible with the principal building(s). Support post or pier materials may differ from fence materials; e.g. metal fence panels combined with masonry piers.


Fences – recommended materials are wrought iron, cast iron, and welded steel for commercial application. Metal fences may be mounted on a low masonry wall, and/or spanning between masonry piers.


Walls and piers – recommended materials are precast concrete and/or stucco-faced concrete or concrete block, brick, or stone.


Not permitted in locations visible from public streets, including Interstate-5:


chain link fences


unfinished or unsurfaced concrete block walls (block walls shall be coated with cement stucco or similar surface. Split-face block walls may be appropriate along screened side or rear property lines or in front yards or entry features as approved by the City).


Rustic wood fences


Barbed wire

Items 17-19 address Plant Materials and Landscape Treatments. The intent is to create a village character.

17. Plant materials along streets:


Street Trees – shall be planted between the sidewalk and the street. Consistency in species, size, and spacing shall be used to reinforce a strong street identity and character.


Trees with attractive branching structures shall be used. The following trees are recommended: Norway Maple, Sycamore Maple, Littleleaf Linden, Zelkova, Northern Red Oak, London Plane.


Planting/landscaped areas – shall have a simple palette of plant species.


Complex planting schemes – may not be used in front setback areas unless landscaped open space is featured as an important site design element.


Plant materials that exhibit annual or seasonal color – are recommended to highlight special locations, such as main buildings and/or driveway entrances.

18. Plant materials in other locations: These shall be selected and placed to reflect both ornamental and functional characteristics.


Broadleaf deciduous trees – shall be the predominant large plant material used. They shall be located adjacent to buildings and strategically placed within parking areas to provide shade in the summer and sun in the winter.


Shrubs and conifers – shall be used as a screening device, for example, along rear property lines; around mechanical appurtenances; and to obscure grillwork and fencing associated with subsurface parking garages. Recommended trees include Hemlock, Cedar, Redwood, Pine, Spruce.


Flowering shrubs and trees – shall be used where they can be most appreciated, adjacent to walks, recreational areas, or as a frame for building entrances, stairs, and walks. Recommended trees include Dogwood, Hawthorn, Crabapple, Cherry, Pear, Plum.


Flowers with annual or seasonal color – are recommended to highlight special locations, such as courtyards, building entrances, or driveway entrances.

19. Surface parking lots: Surface parking areas utilize a significant amount of site area and shall be designed as an integral feature of an overall site development plan.


Space defining elements – such as trellises, columns, walls, arbors, and hedges shall be provided to enhance the appearance of lots. These elements shall be consistent in design and materials with the principal building(s) and other site features.


Orchard-style parking or approved variations thereof – shall be employed in all surface lots. It provides better shade on the passenger compartment and more even shade throughout the parking area. Trees shall be planted every three to five parking spaces. A different species may be used along major pedestrian corridors, which serves to highlight the pedestrian corridor when that species is in bloom.

20. Site Furnishings: Site furnishings shall be provided, including benches, refuse containers, ornamental lighting, planters, etc. Exterior clocks, drinking fountains and other types of furnishings may also be provided. The city encourages the placement of public art and fountains. The location and type of furnishing shall be depicted on the site plan submitted to the City for review. All furnishings shall be of a uniform style and color throughout the HPBD commercial area.

Service areas should not be required to use a specific fixture. The developer shall use materials and styles that are consistent with the type chosen for the downtown area.

Ornamental streetlights are required along all internal streets and access drives intended for use by the public; maximum spacing shall be ninety (90) feet on center. Attractive benches and trash receptacles are required along all building frontages; maximum spacing shall be three hundred (300) feet on center.

1. Gateway: The comprehensive plan calls for building design that enhances the entrance or gateway to the City of Lacey. The City has established a tone for this area by providing roundabouts with extensive landscaping and signature trees and antique brick-style stamped concrete. Development within the HPBD commercial area shall incorporate and expand upon this theme. The applicant shall demonstrate that the project will achieve the following objectives:


Facades visible from Interstate – 5 adhere to these guidelines as if they are facades facing the street.


Provide an architecturally unified identity to the development as viewed from Interstate – 5.


Provide an entrance in the form of landscaping, etc. for the visitor entering Hawks Prairie.

2. Weather Protection & Arcades: Buildings shall provide rain protection along all shopping frontages. This may be in the form of awnings, marquees, arcades, or canopies.

3. Arcades: If an arcade is used as the weather protective device, it may be of metal, wood, or masonry, provided it is designed as an integral part of the building and does not create dark, unattractive frontages and conforms to the following:


10' minimum clear height inside the arcade.


8' minimum clear height of arcade opening


6' minimum clear width of arcade openings


12' maximum column spacing


15' maximum depth to storefront


4' minimum setback from curbline


3' minimum setback from sidewalk furnishings and appurtenances

Alternative designs submitted by the project designer/architect may be allowed when the intent is met.

4. Building Massing and Organization: To promote a pedestrian-oriented, village scale of building, building mass and/or facade composition shall vary in modules of fifty feet or less. This shall be accomplished by using at least two of the following methods:

changes in roofline and window groupings;

projecting or recessing wall surfaces;

placement of piers and columns; and/or

changes in architectural style or other architectural treatment approved by the City.

In order to prevent long stretches of monotonous facade, buildings over 100' in length shall incorporate vertical and/or horizontal variations in setback, material or fenestration design along the applicable facade, in at least two (2) of the following ways:


Vertical Facade Changes: Incorporate intervals of architectural variation at least every sixty (60) feet over the length of the applicable facade, such as:


varying the arrangement, proportioning and/or design of windows and doors;


incorporating changes in architectural materials; and/or


projecting forward or recessing back portions of or elements of the applicable facade.


Front facades incorporating a variation in building setback shall include within the setback such architectural elements as covered or recessed building entries, plazas or courtyards, storefront or bay windows, seating and/or planting areas.


Horizontal Facade Changes: Designed to differentiate the ground floor from upper floors, such as:


stepping back the upper floors from the ground floor building facade;


changing materials between the building base and upper floors;


including a continuous cornice line or pedestrian weather protective element between the ground floor and upper floors.

5. Ground Level Facade Increment: Maximum storefronts and/or building bays shall be approximately 25 feet in width. Buildings with longer frontage should have a vertical architectural feature in scale with the wall (i.e. column or pier) every 25 – 50 feet to reflect the structural bay spacing.

6. Special Architectural Features: Incorporate at least two of the following features to accent buildings at highly visible locations such as street corners, the visual terminus of a street corridor, lane, or pedestrian way:








multi-paned windows,

recessed entries, or

other features as approved by the City

Items 7 – 10 deal with the facade composition. Every facade should have a defined base, a clear pattern of openings and surface features, a recognizable entrance, and an interesting roof line.

7. Building Base: Provide a building base element. This may be as simple as a small projection of the wall surface and/or a different material or color. It may be created by a heavier or thicker design treatment of the entire ground floor, or a setback of the upper floors.

8. Pattern of Features: Windows, wall panels, pilasters, building bays, and storefronts shall be based on a module derived from the building’s structural bay spacing. Features based on this module, such as surface pilasters, shall be provided on windowless walls to relieve blank, uninteresting surfaces unless another architectural treatment is approved by the City.

9. Building Entrances: Shall be prominent and easy to identify.


Main building entrances – are easily identifiable and distinguishable from first floor storefronts. At least one of the following treatments is required, unless otherwise approved by the Site Plan Review Committee:


marked by a taller mass above, such as a tower, or within a volume that protrudes from the rest of the building surface;


located in the center of the facade, as part of a symmetrical overall composition;


accented by architectural elements, such as columns, overhanging roofs, awnings, and ornamental light fixtures;


marked or accented by a change in the roof line or change in the roof type.


Along commercial frontages – entries to shops or lobbies are located no greater than 50 feet apart or as deemed appropriate by the City for the type of building/use proposed.


Corner buildings – provide prominent corner entrances for shops and other activity-generating uses. Such prominent locations should incorporate a design that is taller in mass than that of the adjoining block for a keystone prominence.

10. Roofs and Roof Lines: Shall provide visual interest and complement the overall facade composition. Flat roofs are acceptable only if a strong, attractively detailed cornice and/or parapet wall is provided.


Parapets – must have a distinct shape or profile (e.g. a gable, arc, or raised center).


Commercial mansards – wrap around roof panels that do not enclose a habitable floor should not be used; true mansard roofs may be used.


Accent elements – such as cut-out openings, grilles and latticework, reliefs, or ornamental medallions are recommended.


Mechanical equipment – on rooftops must be screened, preferably behind a parapet or section of pitched roof. Latticework, louvered panels and other treatments compatible with the building’s architecture may also be appropriate.

Items 11 – 15 address storefronts, which are like small buildings with their own base, roofline, and pattern of window and door openings.

11. Base: A panel of ceramic tile or other special material is recommended below display windows; materials for walls (Item #17) are generally acceptable. Base materials shall be the same or heavier visually than wall surface materials.

12. Display Windows: All commercial ground level walls adjacent to a street or pedestrian area shall have large single or multi-paned windows encompassing a minimum of 60% of the facade surface area. Where privacy is desired for restaurants, professional services, etc., windows can be divided into smaller panes or use windows shaded with a minor tint (a sample of which must be provided to and approved by the City).

13. Clerestory (Transom) Windows: Horizontal panels of glass located between the storefront and the second floor are a traditional element of “main street” buildings and shall be incorporated in storefronts. Clerestory windows can be a good location for neon, painted-window, and other relatively non-obtrusive types of signs.

14. Recessed Entries: Recommended as a traditional storefront element. If used, recessed entries must be well lighted. Preferred treatments include:


Special paving materials – such as ceramic tile;


Ornamental ceilings – such as coffering;


Decorative light fixtures.

15. Doors: In structures with several storefronts, doors shall be substantial and well detailed. They are the one part of the storefront that patrons will invariably touch. They shall match the materials, design, and character of the display window framing: “narrowline” aluminum frame doors are not allowed.

16. Side and Rear Building Facades: These walls shall have a level of trim, fenestration, and finish compatible with the front facade(s), particularly if they are visible from streets (including Interstate – 5), adjacent parking areas, or nearby residential buildings or offices.

Items 17 – 25 address wall surface materials.

17. Wall Surface: If the building mass and pattern of windows and doors is complex, simple wall surfaces are preferable (e.g. stone or precast concrete panels); if the building volume and the pattern of wall openings is simple, additional wall texture and articulation (see Section 4. Building Massing and Organization) shall be employed (e.g. bricks or blocks, rusticated stucco, ornamental reliefs). In both cases, pilasters, columns, and cornices shall be used to add visual interest and pedestrian scale. The palette of wall materials should be kept to a minimum, preferably two (e.g. stucco and tile) or less.

18. Stucco: If stucco is used, it shall be painted or coated to reduce maintenance and increase wear; elastomeric type coatings shall be used for painted surfaces. Highly textured stucco showing trowel marks or rustic finishes shall not be used. All stucco surfaces shall be smooth and detailed, preferably with some form of overhang of massive proportion, to prevent the collection of dirt and surface pollutants, and the deterioration of painted surfaces.

19. Stone and Stone Veneers: Allowed as a basic building material or as a special material for walls, sills, or base concrete subject to approval by the City.

20. Precast Concrete: Options in terms of form work, pigments, and aggregates should be explored to create durable, attractive surfaces that weather well. Accents such as ceramic tile or stone are required to add scale and interest.

21. Ceramic Tile: Recommended as an accent material.

22. Brick: Encouraged as a surface material.

23. Wood: Shingles, shakes, and clapboard are allowed. T1-11 is not permitted. All wood product sheets and metal or synthetic siding material is subject to approval by the City. The applicant shall submit samples and photographs of the product’s application.

24. Parapet and Cornice Cap Flashings: Sheet metal parapet cap flashings shall be painted to match wall or trim color. Select a minimum to avoid “oil canning” distortion in the metal as follows: 24 gage (galvanized steel); 26 gage (stainless steel); .232" (aluminum); 16 ounce (copper).

25. Unacceptable Surfaces:


Simulated finishes – such as artificial stone.


Plywood siding – including T1-11


Concrete block – unless used for screened side or rear elevations or architecturally treated as approved by the City (i.e. split-face CMU).

Items 26 – 32 address Windows. Windows are an important element of building composition and an indicator of overall building quality.

26. Window-to-Wall Proportion: In general, upper stories shall have a window to wall area proportion (typically 30-50%) that is smaller than that of ground floor storefronts.

27. Window Openings: Shall be vertical or square in shape; if square, windows and/or windowpanes shall be vertical in shape. Alternatives, such as arranged or clustered windows, are subject to review and approval of the City.

28. Window Inset: Glass shall be inset a minimum of 3 inches from the exterior wall surface or window frame surface to add relief; this is especially important for stucco buildings.

29. Muntins: True divided light” windows or sectional windows are recommended where a divided window design is desired; if used, “snap-in” grilles or muntins shall be provided on both sides of windows.

30. Glazing: Clear glazing is strongly recommended. Reflective glazing should not be used. If tinted glazing is used, the tint shall be kept as light as possible; green, grey, and blue are recommended.

31. Replacement/Renovation: Wood windows shall be replaced with wood windows of the same operating type (e.g. double-hung, casement, etc.; vinyl covered wood windows are available for lower maintenance). If aluminum replacement windows or doors are used, they shall be:


Same operating type – and orientation as the original (e.g. do not replace a double hung window with a horizontal sliding window).


Factory Painted – or fluorocoated to match the original; color anodized is also acceptable.


Similar in size – and thickness to the original frame and mullions.

Items 32 – 38 address corporate style, durability, transition areas, conflicting styles, barrier free access, and the use of color.

32. Corporate Style: The use of standard corporate architectural style associated with chain-type business shall not have preference over City design standards or objectives.

33. Durability/Maintenance: Materials and finishes are selected for their durability and wear. Proper measures and devices are incorporated for protection against the elements, neglect, damage, and abuse. Configurations that tend to catch and accumulate debris, leaves, trash, and dirt shall not be used.

34. Transition Areas: The proposed development transitions well with adjoining, permitted land uses through architecture and landscaping in conformance with allowable setbacks.

35. Conflicting Architectural Styles: In applicable cases, structures shall be made compatible with adjacent buildings of conflicting architectural styles by such means as screens and site breaks, or other suitable methods and materials.

36. Barrier Free: The location of the barrier-free access ramp is in close proximity to designated parking spaces.

37. Colors: Bright colors shall be used sparingly. Typical applications are fabric awnings, window frames, or special architectural details. A restrained use of bright colors allows display windows and merchandise to catch the eye and stand out in the visual field.

38. Secondary Color: Shall be used to give additional emphasis to architectural features such as building bases, columns, cornices, capitals, and bands.

Items 39 – 43 address awnings, trellises, canopies and accessories.

39. Awnings are encouraged. They shall be a colorful fabric mounted over a metal structure that is framed and attractive in design. Backlit awnings should be prohibited, or if approved, limited to one single row of fluorescent lights for a lower glow.

40. Trellises and Canopies: Materials, colors, and form shall be derived from the building architecture.

41. Height and Projection: Trellises, canopies, and awnings shall be a minimum of seven feet above the sidewalk, and project no more than seven feet out from the building wall, unless otherwise approved by the City.

42. Placement: When used, trellises, canopies, and awnings shall be placed above the display windows and below a storefront cornice or sign panel. They shall not cover piers, pilasters, clerestory windows, or other architectural features. An individual awning or canopy for each storefront or building bay may complement the building more effectively that one continuous awning would.

43. Accessories: Colorful street light pole banners, with City approval, shall be used to add variety to the street. Ornamental brackets and poles add further interest. Hanging flower or plant baskets suspended from the ornamental brackets of metal or wood are recommended for storefronts. These banners shall be located no more frequently than every third pole, unless otherwise approved by the City. The use of these banners is encouraged for seasonal displays, promotions of special community events, etc. They shall not be used as signage for business or non-community events, such as a sale, etc.

44. Signs: All signs shall be complimentary in color and material to that of the building they are associated with. Sign placement shall be such that it does not cover or hide architectural design elements. Types of signs allowed, sizes, and placement requirements of Chapter 16.75 of the Lacey Municipal Code shall apply.


Arcade: A series of arches supported on piers or columns.

Articulation: Design emphasis placed on a particular architectural feature through use of special details, materials, change in building plane (recessed or extended from building surface), contrast in materials, or decorative artwork.

Articulation, Vertical: Visual division of a building’s facade into distinct sections or elements to reduce the apparent horizontal length of the facade.

Balcony: An outdoor space built as an above-ground platform projecting from the wall of a building and enclosed by a parapet or railing.

Bay Window: Typically a multi-paned window protruding from the main exterior wall.

Clerestory: A portion of an interior rising above adjacent rooftops and having windows admitting daylight into the interior.

Colonnade: A series of regularly spaced columns supporting an entablature and usually one side of a roof structure.

Courtyard: A landscaped space enclosed on at least three sides by a structure(s).

Facade: Any vertical exterior wall of a building.

Fenestration: The design, proportioning, and disposition of windows and other exterior openings of a building.

Loggia: A colonnaded or arcaded space within the body of a building, but open to the air on one side. Often at an upper story overlooking an open court.

Modulation: A stepping back, or projecting forward, of portions of a building face within specified intervals of building width and depth, as a means of breaking up the apparent bulk of a structure’s continuous exterior walls.

Muntin: A rabbeted member for holding the edges of windowpanes within a sash (glazing bar, sash bar).

Pergola: An open structure usually consisting of parallel colonnades supporting a roof of beams and crossing rafters or trellis work (similar to an arbor).

Portico: A porch having a roof supported by columns, often used leading to the entrance of a building.

Scale, Architectural: The perceived relative height and bulk of a building relative to that of a neighboring building or buildings. A building’s apparent height and bulk may be reduced by the use of modulation.

Scale, Human/Pedestrian: The perceived size of a building relative to a human being. A building is considered to have “good human scale” if there is an expression of human activity or use that indicates the building’s size. For example, traditionally sized doors, windows, and balconies are elements that respond to the size of the human body, and therefore are elements in a building which indicate a building’s overall size.

Transit Compatible/Friendly: Indicates design that is pedestrian-oriented, provides safe and convenient access to transit facilities, and fosters efficient transit service.