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An ordinance relating to the division of land, repealing the city’s current subdivision ordinance codified in Title 15 of the Lacey Municipal Code and adopting new regulations and provisions as a new Title 15 to said code.
Adoption Date
Files Available
15.01.010, Title
(Amended by §1,2)
15.01.020, Purpose and intent
(Amended by §1, 2)
15.01.030, Scope
(Amended by §1, 2)
15.01.040, Specific exemptions
(Amended by §1, 2)
15.01.060, Land divisions adjacent to resource lands
(Amended by §1, 2)
15.01.070, Administration
(Amended by §1, 2)
15.02.010, Construction
(Amended by §1, 3)
15.02.020, Definitions
(Amended by §1, 3)
15.04.010, Applicability
(Amended by §4)
15.04.030, Criteria
(Amended by §4)
15.04.040, Application
(Amended by §4)
15.04.050, Review and approval
(Amended by §4)
15.05.010, Applicability--Alteration
(Amended by §1, 5)
15.05.020, Application--Alteration
(Amended by §1, 5)
15.05.030, Review criteria and process--Alteration
(Amended by §1, 5)
15.05.040, Applicability--Vacation
(Amended by §1, 5)
15.05.050, Application--Vacation
(Amended by §1, 5)
15.05.060, Review criteria and process--Vacation
(Amended by §1, 5)
15.06.010, Applicability
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.020, Administration
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.030, Application
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.040, Preliminary binding site plan review
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.050, Review criteria and required findings
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.060, Final approval and recording
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.070, Final binding site plan permanent control monuments
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.080, Final survey of binding site plan and preparation of map
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.06.090, Final binding site plan drafting standards
(Amended by §1, 6)
15.08.010, Applicability
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.020, Presubmission conferences
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.030, Minimum standards
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.040, Application
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.050, Preliminary and final maps
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.060, Identification marker posting
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.070, Posting of other data and markers
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.080, Time for preliminary action
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.090, Department action
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.100, Conditional approvals
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.110, Final approval and recording
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.120, Certificates
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.130, Certification
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.140, Treasurer’s certification
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.150, Redivisions
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.160, Appeals
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.08.170, Revocation procedure
(Amended by §1, 7)
15.10.010, Preliminary plat presubmission conference
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.020, Preliminary plat review process and time limit for action
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.030, Preliminary plats within flood plain
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.040, Preliminary plat specific submission requirements
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.050, Standards
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.060, Preliminary plat distribution
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.070, Preliminary plat hearing - notice procedure
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.080, Preliminary plat hearing - public record
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.090, Preliminary plat hearings examiner review procedure
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.100, Preliminary plat hearings examiner decision
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.120, Preliminary plat council record
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.130, Preliminary plat notice of final decision
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.140, Preliminary plat duration of approval
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.150, Preliminary plat alterations
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.160, Final plat submission
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.170, Final plat specific requirements
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.180, Final plat permanent control monuments
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.190, Final plat survey of subdivision and preparation of plat
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.200, Final plat drafting standards
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.210, Final plat approval
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.220, Final plats within flood zone
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.230, Final plats containing private streets
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.240, Filing for record
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.250, Final plat filing by subdivider
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.10.260, Final plat composition
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.12.010, General standards
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.020, Streets
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.030, Water Supply
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.040, Sewage disposal
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.050, Storm drainage
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.060, Fire protection standards
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.070, Utility Standards
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.090, Pedestrian features
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.100, Blocks
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.110, Easements
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.130, Street lights
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.14.010, Requirements
(Amended by §1, 10)
15.14.020, Shown on plat, short plat or binding site plan
(Amended by §1, 10)
15.14.030, Access to lots
(Amended by §1, 10)
15.14.040, Exemption--Conveyance to corporation
(Amended by §1, 10)
15.16.010, Agreement
(Amended by §1, 11)
15.16.020, Financial guarantee
(Amended by §1, 11)
15.20.010, Fees
(Amended by §1, 12)
15.20.020, Variance--Determination
(Amended by §1, 12)
15.20.030, Variance--Land use hearings examiner action
(Amended by §1, 12)
15.20.050, Restrictions on other permits
(Amended by §1, 12)
15.22.010, Definitions
(Amended by §1, 13)
15.22.020, Purpose
(Amended by §1, 13)
15.22.030, Site plan review committee
(Amended by §1, 13)
15.22.040, Form of statement required on land divisions in community facilities districts
(Amended by §1, 13)
15.22.050, Existing land divisions and planned unit developments
(Amended by §1, 13)
15.22.060, Advisory committees
(Amended by §1, 13)
15.22.070, Service fees and charges
(Amended by §1, 13)
15.22.080, Lien for delinquent service fees and charges
(Amended by §1, 13)
Previously Affecting
15.01.055, Repealed
(Amended by §1, 2)
15.01.065, Repealed
(Amended by §1, 2)
15.10.110, Preliminary plat city council--procedure
(Amended by §1, 8)
15.12.080, Lots
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.120, Open space/park
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.12.140, Repealed
(Amended by §1, 9)
15.14.050, Exemption--Corporate membership and responsibilities--Conditions
(Amended by §1, 10)
15.20.040, Variance--Council action
(Amended by §1, 12)