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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 1637 An ordinance amending the city of Lacey 2019-2038 capital facilities plan. 5/18/2023 Special
Ord. 1636 An ordinance amending the 2023 fiscal year budget and Ordinance No. 1632 adopting said budget to re-appropriate 2022 budgeted amounts for projects not completed in 2022. 3/16/2023 Special
Ord. 1635 An ordinance of the city of Lacey related to establishing a compost procurement policy in the city of Lacey, adding Chapter 14.39 to the Lacey Municipal Code. 2/2/2023 Codified
Ord. 1634 An ordinance related to the parks, culture and recreation board, amending Sections 2.44.010 – 2.44.060, all of the Lacey Municipal Code. 1/19/2023 Codified
Ord. 1633 An ordinance related to animal services and community cats, amending Sections 7.04.030, 7.04.040, and 7.04.052, all to the Lacey Municipal Code. 1/19/2023 Codified
Ord. 1632 An ordinance adopting the annual budget of the city of Lacey for the 2023 fiscal year. 12/15/2022 Special
Ord. 1631 An ordinance establishing fund balance designations as provided by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54. 12/15/2022 Special
Ord. 1630 An ordinance related to public property acquisition, amending Section 2.72.050, repealing Sections 2.72.030, 2.72.040, 2.72.060 and 2.72.070, all of the Lacey Municipal Code. 12/1/2022 Codified
Ord. 1629 Not adopted
Ord. 1628 An ordinance relating to stormwater service rates, amending Section 13.70.030 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/17/2022 Codified
Ord. 1627 An ordinance relating to sewer service rates, amending Section 13.16.060 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/17/2022 Codified
Ord. 1626 An ordinance relating to water service rates, amending Section 13.32.030 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/17/2022 Codified
Ord. 1625 An ordinance of the City of Lacey, Washington, fixing the amount of the estimated expenditures, less the estimated revenues from sources other than ad valorem taxation, needed for the current expense budget and for the payment of principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Lacey for the fiscal year 2023; levying the annual ad valorem taxes of the City of Lacey for the fiscal year 2023 and appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes. 11/17/2022 Special
Ord. 1624 An ordinance of the city of Lacey related to personnel policy, repealing Lacey Municipal Code 2.56, amending Lacey Municipal Code 2.26.010. 9/15/2022 Codified
Ord. 1623 An ordinance amending the 2022 fiscal year budget adopted by Ordinance No. 1608 by revising the budgeted amounts for the current expense, regional athletic complex (M&O), city street, transportation improvement, general obligation bonds, building improvement, capital equipment, parks and open space, regional athletic complex capital, water M&O, wastewater M&O, water capital, wastewater capital, stormwater capital, and equipment rental funds. 9/1/2022 Special
Ord. 1622 An ordinance of the city of Lacey related to street latecomers agreements, establishing an assessment reimbursement area, specifying the terms and conditions of the city’s involvement, directing the city manager to enter into a reimbursement agreement. 9/1/2022 Special
Ord. 1621 An ordinance related to the city’s comprehensive plan, approving changes to said plan and zoning maps. 8/18/2022 Special
Ord. 1620 An ordinance of the city of Lacey related to stormwater regulations, adopting the 2022 stormwater design manual, amending section 14.27.020 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 6/16/2022 Codified
Ord. 1619 An ordinance amending the 2022 fiscal year budget adopted by Ordinance No. 1608 by revising the budgeted amounts for the current expense, regional athletic complex (M&O), arterial street, building improvement, capital equipment, parks and open space, water M&O, wastewater M&O, water capital, wastewater capital, and animal services funds. 4/7/2022 Special
Ord. 1618 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington, annexing territory to the city of Lacey, establishing the zoning for such property (Lake Lois Pacific Avenue). 3/17/2022 Special
Ord. 1617 An ordinance related to tree and vegetation protection and preservation, amending sections 14.32.020, 14.32.030, 14.32.040, 14.32.045, 14.32.050, 14.32.060, 14.32.069, 14.32.070, and 14.32.090, adding a new section 14.32.071, and adding a new table 14-T70, all of the Lacey Municipal Code. 6/16/2022 Codified
Ord. 1616 An ordinance amending the 2022 fiscal year budget and Ordinance No. 1608 adopting said budget to re-appropriate 2021 budgeted amounts for projects not completed in 2021. 3/3/2022 Special
Ord. 1615 An ordinance related to parking for electric vehicle charging, amending Sections 16.73.030, 16.73.035, 16.73.040, adding new Section 16.73.032, and adding Table 16T-86, all to the Lacey Municipal Code. 2/17/2022 Codified
Ord. 1614 An ordinance related to parking for multi-family housing, amending Section 16.72.030 and Table 16T-13, all of the Lacey Municipal Code. 2/17/2022 Codified
Ord. 1613 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington, providing for the improvement of a certain area of land by the construction and installation of sewer line and allowing for the connection thereto by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; ordering the formation of Utility Local Improvement District No. 25 and providing for the payment of the costs of said improvements by special assessments upon the property of said district specially benefited by said improvements (ULID 25 – Tolmie Park Estates). 2/3/2022 Special