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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 1612 An ordinance related to the city’s housing implementation initiatives, repealing Chapter 16.12, amending Sections 16.13.010, 16.13.020, 16.13.035, 16.13.050, 16.09.010, 16.40.050, 16.41.050, 16.61.030, 16.61.040, 16.62.020, 16.62.030, 16.67.050, 14.23.073, 1.20.020, and 3.64.120, amending Table 16T-13, adding new Sections 1.20.040, 1.20.050, 1.20.060, 1.20.070, and 1.20.080, all to the Lacey Municipal Code. 1/20/2022 Codified
Ord. 1611 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington related to the civil service commission, adding a new Section 2.52.080 to the Lacey Municipal Code. 1/6/2022 Codified
Ord. 1610 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington related to the time and place of city council meetings, amending Section 2.04.010 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 12/16/2021 Codified
Ord. 1609 An ordinance establishing fund balance designations as provided by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54. 12/16/2021 Repealed by Ord. 1631
Ord. 1608 An ordinance adopting the annual budget of the city of Lacey for the 2022 fiscal year. 12/2/2021 Special
Ord. 1607 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington, related to water general facilities charges, amending Section 13.32.005 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/18/2021 Codified
Ord. 1606 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington, fixing the amount of the estimated expenditures, less the estimated revenues from sources other than ad valorem taxation, needed for the current expense budget and for the payment of principal and interest upon the general bonded indebtedness of the city of Lacey for the fiscal year 2022; levying the annual ad valorem taxes of the city of Lacey for the fiscal year 2022 and appropriating same to certain funds for certain purposes. 11/18/2021 Special
Ord. 1605 An ordinance relating to stormwater service rates, amending Section 13.70.030 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/18/2021 Codified
Ord. 1604 An ordinance relating to sewer service rates, amending Section 13.16.060 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/18/2021 Codified
Ord. 1603 An ordinance relating to water service rates, amending Section 13.32.030 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/18/2021 Codified
Ord. 1602 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington related to the civil service commission, amending Sections 2.52.010 and 2.52.060 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 11/4/2021 Codified
Ord. 1601 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington related to the board of park commissioners, amending Section 2.44.020 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 9/16/2021 Codified
Ord. 1600 An ordinance amending the 2021 fiscal year budget adopted by Ordinance No. 1574 by revising the budgeted amounts for the capital equipment, water M&O, wastewater M&O, and equipment rental funds. 9/16/2021 Special
Ord. 1599 An ordinance related to the city’s comprehensive plan, approving changes to said plan. 9/16/2021 Codified
Ord. 1598 An ordinance amending the 2021 fiscal year budget adopted by Ordinance No. 1574 by revising the budgeted amounts for the current expense, community buildings, regional athletic complex (M&O), city street, arterial street, transportation improvement, building improvement, capital equipment, parks and open space, regional athletic complex (capital), water M&O, wastewater M&O, stormwater M&O, water capital, wastewater capital, equipment rental, information services, and animal services funds. 9/2/2021 Special
Ord. 1597 An ordinance of the city of Lacey relating to possession of controlled, counterfeit substances, marijuana, alcohol, legend drugs, and drug paraphernalia, amending Sections 9.40.040, 9.44.030, 9.44.040, and 9.44.060 of the Lacey Municipal Code, adding a new Section 9.44.045 to the Lacey Municipal Code. 7/15/2021 Codified
Ord. 1596 An ordinance of the City of Lacey, Washington, annexing territory to the city of Lacey, establishing the zoning for such property (Capitol City/Chambers Estates). 7/1/2021 Special
Ord. 1595 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington, related to payment of utility connection fees, amending Sections 13.02.010, 13.16.025, and 13.32.005, all of the Lacey Municipal Code. 6/17/2021 Codified
Ord. 1594 An ordinance of the city of Lacey relating to solid waste management, designating the Thurston County solid waste system for solid waste originating in the city, amending Section 8.04.040 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 6/17/2021 Codified
Ord. 1593 An ordinance relating to water service rates, amending Section 13.32.030 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 6/17/2021 Codified
Ord. 1592 An ordinance relating to sewer service rates, amending Section 13.16.060 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 6/17/2021 Codified
Ord. 1591 An ordinance relating to stormwater service rates, amending Section 13.70.030 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 6/17/2021 Codified
Ord. 1590 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington, annexing territory to the city of Lacey, establishing the zoning for such property (54th Avenue). 5/20/2021 Special
Ord. 1589 An ordinance of the city of Lacey, Washington, annexing territory to the city of Lacey, establishing the zoning for such property (Steilacoom Marvin). 5/20/2021 Special
Ord. 1588 An ordinance of the city of Lacey related to Hawks Prairie Business District zoning, amending Sections 16.37.020 and 16.37.070 of the Lacey Municipal Code. 5/20/2021 Codified