Res. 1156
A resolution of the Lacey city council amending Resolution 1148 related to a temporary ad hoc parks improvement funding work group |
8/6/2024 |
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Res. 1155
A resolution of the Lacey city council approving an interlocal cooperation agreement between the city of Lacey, the city of Olympia, and Thurston County to form a home consortium to participate and receive funds under the National Affordable Housing Act |
8/6/2024 |
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Res. 1154
A resolution adopting electric vehicle charging fees |
8/6/2024 |
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Res. 1151
A resolution of the city of Lacey related to the standards, protocols, and ground rules handbook for Lacey boards and commissions |
8/6/2024 |
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Res. 1150
A resolution of the city council of the city of Lacey related to the Lacey city council policies and procedures manual |
8/6/2024 |
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Res. 1153
A resolution adopting the 2024 city of Lacey comprehensive emergency management plan |
7/16/2024 |
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Res. 1152
A resolution adopting the 2025 six-year transportation improvement program (TIP) for the city of Lacey and adopting a revised transportation improvement mitigation list |
7/16/2024 |
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Res. 1149
A resolution of the city of Lacey, washington, amending the official investment policy of the city |
6/4/2024 |
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Res. 1148
A resolution of the Lacey city council creating a temporary ad hoc parks improvement funding workgroup |
6/4/2024 |
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Res. 1147
A resolution of the city of Lacey authorizing the application for funding assistance managed by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for the Rainier Vista Park project |
5/7/2024 |
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Res. 1146
A resolution of the city of Lacey authorizing the application for funding assistance managed by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for the William A. Bush Park project |
5/7/2024 |
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Res. 1145
Resolution of the Lacey city council creating a temporary ad hoc human services work group |
3/19/2024 |
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Res. 1144
A resolution of the city of Lacey, Washington, adopting the hazards mitigation plan for the Thurston region and the city’s annex to the hazards mitigation plan for the Thurston region |
3/19/2024 |
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Res. 1143
A resolution revising the Lacey fee schedule as it relates to services performed by the Community & Economic Development |
3/19/2024 |
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Res. 1142
A resolution of the city council of the city of Lacey related to the Lacey city council policies and procedures manual |
12/7/2023 |
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Res. 1141
A resolution of the city of Lacey, Washington, authorizing the increase of the 2024 ad valorem tax levy by one percent over the tax levy of 2023 |
11/16/2023 |
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Res. 1140
A resolution of the city council of the city of Lacey related to Thurston County Proposition No. 1 – Sales and Use Tax for Law Enforcement Protection, Corresponding Prosecution and Public Defense Services and Elections Security, and declaring its intent to use any distributed funds for law enforcement purposes |
10/19/2023 |
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Res. 1139
A resolution of the city council of the city of Lacey in support of Thurston County Proposition 1 – Sales and Use tax for Law Enforcement Protection, Corresponding Prosecution and Public Defense Services and Elections Security |
10/19/2023 |
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Res. 1138
A resolution of the city council of the city of Lacey related to the Lacey city council policies and procedures manual |
10/5/2023 |
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Res. 1137
A resolution of the city council of the city of Lacey related to the Lacey city council policies and procedures manual |
9/21/2023 |
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Res. 1136
A resolution of the city of Lacey authorizing the application for funding assistance managed by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for local parks maintenance |
9/7/2023 |
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Res. 1135
A resolution setting the hearing date to consider a vacation of certain unopened right-of-way abutting Rainier Road.
7/20/2023 |
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Res. 1134
A resolution adopting the 2024 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the city of Lacey and adopting a revised Transportation Improvement Mitigation List. |
7/20/2023 |
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Res. 1133
A resolution setting the hearing date to consider a vacation of certain unopened right-of-way abutting Rainier Road. |
6/15/2023 |
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Res. 1132
Amend Council Policies-Procedures Manual Chapters 7 and 9 relating to Order of Business and Electronic Voting |
6/15/2023 |
Special |