Viewing Historic Versions of a Code
Previous versions of the code(s) on this site are available for historic
reference. Historic versions represent the published state of a code on
the listed dates, not necessarily the legislation that was in effect on
those dates. Please note that historic versions are provided for
convenience only; they may not represent a complete history of a code.
To view a historic version, click the Track button in the main
navigation bar, then click “Historic Versions.” Select a date to view,
then click View to see that version, or click Compare to view the
differences between that version and the current version.
Choosing a Version by Enactment
You can navigate between historic versions based on when a certain
enactment was codified. From the
Legislative History view,
click on an enactment. If a historic version corresponding to the
enactment is available, a “Document Version” section will appear in
the enactment dialog. In that section, click View to see that
version, or click Compare to view the differences between that
version and the current version.
Choosing a Version by Amended Section
You can navigate between historic versions based on amendments made
to a particular section. Click the “History of This Section” button
in a section’s heading. In the dialog that appears, some amendment
dates will have a Versions section. Click “View as of This
[Enactment]” to see the version where the amendment was codified.
Click “See What Changed” to compare that version to the preceding
version. Click “Compare to Current” to compare that version to the
current version.
Navigating a Comparison Between Versions
When comparing two versions of a code, any differences between them
on a page are marked up with deleted text in red strikethrough and
inserted text in green underline. This is similar to the Track
Changes feature of common word processors. This markup is not
official and is provided for convenience only.
An extra navigation bar will appear at the bottom of the screen. If
the current page has any differences marked up, you can use the
back and forward arrows to quickly scroll between them.
Returning to the Current Version
Whenever you are viewing or comparing historic version(s), an extra
navigation bar will appear at the bottom of the screen.
If you are comparing versions, click the Clear button in that
navigation bar (see image above) to show only the later of the two
If you are viewing a historic version, click the “Current Version”
button to return to the current version of the code.