15.12.020 Streets.
A. Streets shall satisfy the goals and policies of the City Transportation Plan and the city of Lacey and Lacey Urban Growth Area Comprehensive Plan and meet City Development Guidelines and Public Works Standards.
B. A modified grid pattern with alleys is encouraged.
C. The alignment of major streets shall conform as nearly as possible with that shown on the Comprehensive Plan and associated Transportation Element (the city Transportation Plan) of the growth area.
D. The layout of streets shall provide for the continuation of principal streets existing in adjoining subdivision or of their proper connections when adjoining property is not subdivided. The layout shall also provide for future connection of streets into areas which presently are not subdivided.
E. The layout of streets should consider orientation to be able to take advantage of solar access opportunities for development of lots.
F. Local residential streets which serve primarily to provide access to abutting property only shall be designed to discourage through traffic. A full range of traffic calming techniques may be required.
G. Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial or collector street, the subdivision shall be required to provide a twenty-foot buffer between the road and lot lines, designated as common property, with screen planting separated from the lots for protection of residential properties from noise, light and glare and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
H. All streets within a subdivision shall either be dedicated to the public, or be private streets to be owned and maintained by an approved homeowners’ association. Public and private streets shall be subject to the design and construction requirements of the city’s Development Guidelines and Public Works Standards. (Ord. 1520 §49, 2017; Ord. 1235 §1, 9, 2005).