Chapter 16.06 DEFINITIONS
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 16.06.010 Intent
- 16.06.020 Use and interpretation generally
- 16.06.030 Interpretation in case of conflicting definitions
- 16.06.040 Abutting
- 16.06.050 Accessory building
- 16.06.055 Accessory dwelling
- 16.06.060 Accessory living quarters
- 16.06.070 Accessory use
- 16.06.080 Acres or acreage, gross
- 16.06.085 Adjacent
- 16.06.090 Repealed
- 16.06.095 Adult family home
- 16.06.097 Agricultural Use
- 16.06.100 Alley
- 16.06.110 Amendment
- 16.06.115 Arcade
- 16.06.116 Arcade, shopping
- 16.06.120 Attic story
- 16.06.128 Automobile-oriented use
- 16.06.130 Automobile wrecking
- 16.06.135 Awning
- 16.06.140 Basement
- 16.06.142 Bed and breakfast
- 16.06.145 Bioretention
- 16.06.150 Boardinghouse or roominghouse
- 16.06.160 Buffer
- 16.06.170 Buildable area
- 16.06.180 Building
- 16.06.190 Building coverage
- 16.06.200 Building height
- 16.06.210 Building line
- 16.06.220 Cellar
- 16.06.230 City
- 16.06.240 Conditional uses
- 16.06.250 County
- 16.06.255 Court, inner
- 16.06.256 Court, outer
- 16.06.258 Deck
- 16.06.260 Density
- 16.06.270 Development coverage
- 16.06.275 Drive-in use
- 16.06.278 Duplex
- 16.06.280 Dwelling
- 16.06.290 Dwelling unit
- 16.06.300 Easement
- 16.06.310 Emergency medical center
- 16.06.312 Enforcing officer
- 16.06.315 Factory-built home
- 16.06.320 Family
- 16.06.325 Family home child care
- 16.06.330 Federal
- 16.06.340 Floor area
- 16.06.341 Floor area, gross
- 16.06.342 Floor area, net
- 16.06.343 Floor area ratio (FAR)
- 16.06.345 Garage, parking
- 16.06.346 Garage, private customer and employee
- 16.06.350 Grade, average
- 16.06.351 Grade, natural
- 16.06.352 Gross area
- 16.06.353 Hazardous waste
- 16.06.354 Hazardous waste storage
- 16.06.356 Hazardous waste treatment
- 16.06.360 Hearings examiner
- 16.06.370 Home occupation
- 16.06.372 Homeless Encampment
- 16.06.373 Horticultural activity
- 16.06.374 Hospital
- 16.06.375 Host agency
- 16.06.380 Hotel
- 16.06.382 Housing for people with functional disabilities
- 16.06.385 Industrial park
- 16.06.390 Kennel
- 16.06.391 Key multimodal corridor
- 16.06.395 Kiosk
- 16.06.400 Lacey comprehensive land use plan
- 16.06.403 Large farm animal
- 16.06.405 Limited animal husbandry
- 16.06.410 Lot
- 16.06.420 Lot area
- 16.06.430 Lot, corner
- 16.06.440 Lot depth
- 16.06.445 Lot, flag
- 16.06.450 Lot line, front
- 16.06.452 Lot or parcel, fully developed
- 16.06.454 Lot, infill
- 16.06.456 Lot or parcel, underdeveloped
- 16.06.458 Lot or parcel, undeveloped
- 16.06.460 Lot, interior
- 16.06.470 Lot line, rear
- 16.06.480 Lot, through
- 16.06.490 Lot width
- 16.06.492 Low impact development (LID) facility
- 16.06.493 Low impact development (LID) principles
- 16.06.495 Major pedestrian corridor
- 16.06.496 Mall
- 16.06.496A Manufactured Home, Designated
- 16.06.496B Manufactured home, new
- 16.06.496C Manufactured home park
- 16.06.497 Marquee
- 16.06.498 Mixed use development (MUD)
- 16.06.500 Mobile home
- 16.06.510 Repealed
- 16.06.520 Repealed
- 16.06.530 Motel
- 16.06.532 Multifamily
- 16.06.535 Multiple use building
- 16.06.538 Native vegetation
- 16.06.540 Nonconforming building or structure
- 16.06.550 Nonconforming lot
- 16.06.560 Nonconforming use
- 16.06.562 Off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility
- 16.06.564 On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility
- 16.06.565 Office
- 16.06.566 Office, business
- 16.06.567 Office, medical
- 16.06.570 Open space
- 16.06.580 Open space, common
- 16.06.590 Open space, usable
- 16.06.600 Parcel
- 16.06.610 Parking area
- 16.06.615 Parking, off-street
- 16.06.620 Parking space
- 16.06.622 Patio
- 16.06.625 Pedestrian-oriented frontage
- 16.06.626 Pedestrian scale
- 16.06.627 Permeable paving
- 16.06.628 People with functional disabilities
- 16.06.630 Person
- 16.06.640 Planning commission
- 16.06.645 Plaza
- 16.06.646 Plaza, shopping
- 16.06.650 Premises
- 16.06.660 Principal use
- 16.06.670 Property line
- 16.06.670A Rain garden
- 16.06.671 Repealed
- 16.06.672 Recreational vehicle
- 16.06.674 Repealed
- 16.06.676 Religious organization
- 16.06.677 Reserve lot
- 16.06.678 Residential care facility
- 16.06.679 Restaurant
- 16.06.680 Section
- 16.06.690 Shoreline
- 16.06.691 Single Family Dwelling
- 16.06.692 Site Built
- 16.06.694 Small farm animal
- 16.06.695 Solar access
- 16.06.696 Solar skyspace
- 16.06.700 State
- 16.06.710 Street, flanking
- 16.06.715 Street furniture
- 16.06.720 Street, major
- 16.06.730 Street, minor
- 16.06.740 Structure
- 16.06.742 Supported living arrangement
- 16.06.745 Transfer of development rights (TDR)
- 16.06.746 Transitional urban agricultural use
- 16.06.747 Urban Agriculture
- 16.06.750 Use district
- 16.06.760 Variance
- 16.06.764 Vegetated LID facility
- 16.06.765 Vegetated roofs
- 16.06.770 Yard
- 16.06.780 Yard, front
- 16.06.790 Yard, rear
- 16.06.800 Yard, shoreline
- 16.06.810 Yard, side
- 16.06.820 Zero lot line
- 16.06.830 Zoning envelope